*throws the idea of a weekly blog to the winds*
Well, I am back to it! And what a month it has been!
I mysteriously caught mononucleosis, aka the kissing virus. And I know I didn't get this from Nathan. Mono is the kind of virus that can get you repeatedly, not just once and then you are immune like the chicken pox. And Nathan was as healthy as can be. So...? Who did it? I don't recall kissing or sharing a drink with anyone, and it's not like I know anyone here in BC, really... so... dun dun dunnn!!
I found out something mighty interesting when I went to the doctor's office too - Quebec's medical insurance card (Medicare Card) is not valid anywhere except Quebec (*NOTE* it took me about 2 months to get the BC Carecard, and by November 1st, I will finally be covered!). So... with my funds dwindling I had to pay to see a doctor, then pay to get tests done as well. Luckily there isn't really any medicine you can take for mono, although I took penicillin for the resulting sore throat/tonsillitis and breathed a sigh of relief when it cost very little (and tastes like bananas!). In the end, the mono lasted no time at all, and that was strange. I suppose my body saw how I was in such denial of being THAT sick that it agreed with me and killed off the virus in record time. That and I was tired of not being able to kiss my boyfriend darn it! *laughs*
I had two calls for job openings! Huzzah! The first was for La Senza, which if you do not know is a lingerie store owned by Victoria's Secret. Pretty posh. I was so nervous when I went for the interview, but I did (in my opinion) very well in it. They never called me back though. Tough cookies for them, they lost out. The second was for Chapters, an amazing bookstore! Right up my alley! Though I got sick right when I was supposed to go in for interviews. No matter, though, I decided to tough it out, and go in anyways, do my interview with a sore throat and all. And obviously, I did well, since I am now working for them!! It is only a seasonal job, the contract I signed with them expires in January, but I have a chance to (perhaps) continue to work for them afterwards, if sales are good, they continue to need the staff and like me enough to keep me on. Here's to hoping, but in the meantime, I GOT A JOB WOOT WOOT!!
I became a bit homesick during Thanksgiving, but I quickly got over it as I was kept mostly busy. I called up dad and got his recipe for stuffing, and made it for the dinner we had at Nathan's sister's house, slightly altered, as it wasn't in fact going to stuff anything (except my tummy mmmmm). Nathan put up a bit of a fight, as it wasn't his parent's recipe for stuffing, but as he did not have theirs on hand, and his parents were busy in Banff for a family wedding, we used my dad's recipe instead neener neener!
Now I get to fret about xmas... what to get everyone??? Some help, please?? And your postal addresses, since I have decided I am going to send out xmas cards this year. That would be awesome, thanks! Nathan and I are going to get a lil plastic tree, and an ornament, and maybe I will really get in the mood and decorate a bit around the apartment - I love xmas!
I am settling down now, finally getting comfortable in this world. I have a job, a good place to live, and an amazing boyfriend! I am truly a lucky girl!
Hopefully the next blog won't take so long to come to fruition!
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