Thursday, June 30, 2011

Date Night at the beach and other musings

Yesterday I considered to be my 'only' day off this week, as Monday was spent at the company picnic. Nathan texted and then called me up (as I was oblivious to the text) about his company having a small function with a BBQ at the end, and would I like some free food? Of course I like free food. It's the yummiest sort of food. Next to free family food, that is.

So after a long 'how the heck to I get there' session of planning and yes, some whining (I hate taking buses for the first time, I get so disoriented!) I was on my way. The weather was so odd - when I left it was raining (oh darn! I just remembered I left my umbrella in his car last night!!) but when I got there it was very sunny, with blue skies and fluffy white clouds.

This was my first visit to his workplace, and I felt like it was 'meet the parents' all over again, but this time with coworkers sizing up the girlfriend. I had a few moments of wondering if I would make the grade in their eyes before I looked at Nathan and thought, 'who cares what they think? He loves me and that's what matters most.' I don't have to tell you all how it feels to have a confidence booster like him next to me, do I?

I had to live through their company presentation, with the big boss making a speech. I wanted to bolt from that room, screaming incoherently. Am I the only one who gets serious bad vibes from offices? It's the whole closed space, poor unnatural lighting and the 3 hour long meetings to come up with a simple mission statement. And all the gossip of an office! Jeez, it's enough to make my skin crawl. I told Nathan, later on, that if we were sitting at desks like in school, I'd be banging my head on the one in front of me to drown out the chatter. Was it all worth the free food? I haven't decided yet. At least at my company picnic, I was not expected to listen in, as all the speeches were made in Korean and my coworker Yoo-li filled me in on whatever was important.

Nathan's coworkers were interesting, I cannot say too much on the subject save for one reminded me somewhat of my brother Cenrik in appearance and attitude. I am not saying that is a bad thing, merely this was my impression. Nathan showed me around his work area and I could see why he wouldn't want to do this forever. There is monotony in this profession. But I can see myself making fun centerpieces of the fire extinguisher canisters. What can I say, my brain seems to be wired on wedding-type things. I'm in love. So sue me. Don't really sue me though, as I'm too broke to make any money off of.

When all that was said and done we went to the beach. As the day's rain was far behind us it was in the end a great day to spend by the ocean. We laughed and talked and I reminisced about our first visit there. White rock beach was the first place (after IHOP, of course) Nathan took me on my first trip to BC, back when I was still living in Montreal and we were SL avatars cuddling up in cyberspace. I will simply say that these days he is much more the gentleman, who isn't trying to fit in as much 'private time' as possible before I need to fly back. I am not going anywhere so now its all sweet romance which many of you might disagree with me when I say I much prefer it this way. Ladies, make your men treat you like ladies. It feels way more special.

Anyways, enough of that. We sat there on the beach surrounded by stones and made a game of hitting a log in front of us in such a way as to have the stone bounce over it. After I won at that game we started really admiring all the kinds of rocks to be found on the beach, and Nathan mentioned how fun it would be to have a rock tumbler to really shine them up and see their potential. So we zipped over to the mall and found one which Nathan believed was much more expensive than it ought to have been, but we split the cost and brought it home to his parents place, set it up and started it running.

It's really noisy. And it takes up to 4 days just to finish the first round of a total of 4 to have them polished up. We ended up putting it in the laundry room, surrounding it with towels to muffle the noise while we laid on the bed enjoying some peaceful tunes (by Casting Crowns) on his computer. Once it finally decided to load up, that is.

Eventually I had him drive me home, and that was my day, really. I will try to post the final product once the stones are finish tumbling to perfection. Then I will try to decide what to do with them...


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